A judge named Mike Maggio of Arkansas has confessed to leaking information about Theron adopting a son on a university message board before she made the official announcement.

According to Arkansas Times, Maggio left sexist and racist comments as well, but he has apologized for his action. "I take full responsibility for the comments that have been attributed to me," he said in a statement which was released on Wednesday, March 5. "I apologize deeply for my lapse in personal judgment and for that, I have no excuse. The comments posted were not acceptable. These comments are not a reflection of who I am."
In one post, Maggio described Theron's looks when she handled the proceeding, saying that the actress was "trying to camouflage her appearance." In another post, he confirmed that the child was black.
A political blogger called Matt Campbell previously suggested that Maggio was the one who wrote the posts from clues Maggio mentioned. Arkansas' Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission director David Sachar confirmed that an investigation is currently underway.
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