Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh will add one more year to her age on June 9 and she is so happy about it, she has been announcing the good-news on instagram since morning, the last post she posted was this nice graphic work where she revealed her real age. but the date of birth she revealed which is 1985 is conflicting with the age she put up, wondering whether someone would ever conflict age and the date of birth.
She said she was born June 9, 1985, and she said she will be clocking 28 this coming June 9, many of her fans are confused though, and corrected her that she will be 29 and not 28, judging from the year, she was born. maybe the actress miscalculated.
This was exactly what she put up on instagram with the picture above
"on ma mind gonna b 28th wooooow Oluwalumi iz alwayz involved, tank u lord for makn me wat I am atm, tankz to ma mum/dad/stepmum for rasin a Gud bad gal lik me, n tankz to ma palz 4 standn wit me in d rain n sunny dayz, tankz to ma haterz 4 spreadin ma name to d world, above al a BIG TANK u to d blogs for a d gud, bad, fake storiez u keep on writing abt me, jst rememba Derss God oo!!!! # Youngbillionaire #poko #YOLO #EasyLionEasyTige
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