An Arkansas judge, who leaked confidential details about Charlize's adoption of son Jackson, has agreed to a lifetime ban from his job as a judge.

The Arkansas Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission stated that Mike, who used pseudonym "geauxjudge" on an online forum for Louisana State University sports, revealed that Theron had adopted a child in Faulkner County. When another user asked him, "Did she get herself a black baby?" Mike replied, "Yep."
Charlize has not issued any response to Mike's settlement.
Back in March, Mike admitted his fault. He said in a statement, "I take full responsibility for the comments that have been attributed to me. I apologize deeply for my lapse in personal judgment and for that, I have no excuse. The comments posted were not acceptable. These comments are not a reflection of who I am."
According to documents obtained by Arkansas Times, Mike made "improper comments as a sitting judge" which included "improper jokes and posts about sex with bi-polar women, suggesting a gift of 'lube, beer and blow' when asked about potential ideas for a wedding present, a non-consensual 'rodeo sex' reference, incest references, how sex with teachers is like trophy hunting for teenage boys and how women make divorce decisions based on 'emotions' rather than business sense."
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