Donald Sterling‘s mistress has been attacked!
V. Stiviano, whose tape recording of Sterling ranting against African-Americans led to his NBA lifetime ban, was assaulted by two men outside a New York hotel Sunday night.
The men followed her, yelling racial slurs and punching her several times, leaving the right side of her face red and swollen.
Stiviano didn’t immediately file a police report, because she reportedly had to get out of there.
Stiviano was in New York to appear with Nehorary on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360″ on Monday. Despite the attack, Stiviano still plans to be on the show.
With Sterling’s plans to sue the NBA, you kind of have to wonder, is this beating connected?
In other news, less than a week after his estranged wife brokered the sale of his team, the disgraced Clippers owner spent Sunday at the last place just about anyone would expect.
A predominantly black church in South Los Angeles.
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